So we are talking about the time tracking as an employee or corporate benefit? It sounds like insanity, but in fact, there is a brilliance in this idea.

Time tracking can be associated with the micromanaging boss in an inflexible environment. But the truth of the modern business is exactly the opposite. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the trends that have been visible before, with the popularity of remote work being the most obvious and visible one.

Before the pandemic only 15% of the EU-based workforce has ever worked in a remote mode. After the outbreak suddenly the number has reached 40% of all EU employees. More about these trends can be found in our detailed blog post about the remote work in the EU before and after COVID.

Due to the dramatic circumstances, this shift was less pleasant than it should have been. The remote work improves the work-life balance and according to the Gallup research up to 54% of employees would leave their current job if they were offered a new, more flexible one.

But flexibility in the workplace comes in two types.

The two faces of flexible working

Currently, there are two major components of flexible work:

  • Flexible working place – the employee can work from the office, one’s home, a beach during some exotic trip, or a cafe, assuming there are all the tools they need to do all the job.
  • Flexible working hours – there is no need to sit near the desk for eight hours straight on. One can go for lunch, get some exercises in the nearby gym, take a nap, and do the rest of the work in the evening, with no distractions.

A dream come true? Indeed, but not that common – employees are not that willing to give that level of liberty to their employees.

But on the other hand, though, employees are not that eager to track their working time, feeling spied on or micro-managed. And that’s where the time tracking as a benefit comes in glory!


Employee benefits of time tracking

The Internet is full of information about the benefits of time tracking from the employers’ point of view. The employees usually see it as the yet-another-thing-to-do-in-the-job. But there are several benefits that can actually encourage them to do that on a daily basis, hour after hour.

Flexible work schedule

In the typical contract, there are eight hours of work time. And usually, both parties are cool with that. But the traditional model of working in the office clocking in at 9 and clocking out at 5 comes with several downsides.

An office is a great place to meet or cooperate with peers, but usually, it is a poor environment for creative work or to focus on a single task. Also, this model makes it difficult to go with some errands during the workday. If one has to visit a doctor or a vet with their dog, there is usually the need to take a day off. The same goes for going with the kid to the playground or anything else – you name it.

If there is a time tracking habit in the organization, one has much greater flexibility in managing his or her time – it is only about marking one or two hours out of the office, doing what is to do, and getting back to work.

Also, if one finds it more effective, it is possible to start a day earlier, work alone on some projects than work in an office and get back home earlier. Last but not least, assuming it is allowed in the company, one can just work overtime some weekdays only to get out of the office earlier on Friday. Because why not.

The flexible approach toward work time management is in the foundation of multiple modern self-management and efficiency techniques with the Pomodoro technique being one of the best examples existing.

Remote work is done smoothly

Stacking employees in the office is not only about providing them with all the tools they need. It is also about making sure that their time is allocated to work. But it is not so all the time – there is a time for a little chit-chat near the coffee machine.

When there is a time tracking done, the employee can easily switch between office, home office, and any other remote location. Flexibility in working from the chosen location is one of the most sought company staff benefits when it comes to the modern workforce. Only the number of hours and the effect is what counts in the end.

No unwanted overtime

The foundation of the time tracking is that employees can abuse the work time policy. On the other hand, though, time tracking is mutually beneficial – both parties can track the time of work, so there is no unpaid overtime.

The time tracking software is the most convenient way to ensure that all working hours are tracked and then – paid for.


The time tracking system delivers a high level of transparency in the company. There is clear information about the time and workforce allocation, so team members can see what each member is responsible for. Thus a lot of time usually wasted on meetings and information exchange is saved.

And nobody likes to waste time – in the end, there is no way to recover this asset or to manage an hour to make two of it.

Getting paid faster with less effort

Last but not least, the company needs to track working time and pay employees their wages based on their timesheets. When there is only a paper-based process, the HR department needs to collect all the documents, make all the paperwork done and then process the payments.

When there is a digital time tracking system in the company, the whole process is done with just a few clicks, without bothering an employee. Also, all the information the payroll department needs is right at the fingertips, so there is no need to wait when delivering payments.

And everybody likes getting paid.


Time tracking software is usually marketed as beneficial for the employer, with increased productivity or easier billing as key selling points. After defeating the first anxiety, the team can easily see all the benefits of tracking the time.

In fact, the time tracking software is the first step to build a modern and flexible workplace, that is not sacrificing efficiency in the name of the employee’s comfort. There is also an additional benefit for the company – building the culture of independence. And undoubtedly an independent employee benefits the corporation in multiple ways.

If you wish to share your thoughts about this matter or you have some questions about implementing modern time tracking software in your company, just drop us a line, we will be happy to talk!


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