Calamari integration with Basecamp
Calamari is a Leave management system and clock in/out system. It helps you automate HR management. Integration with Basecamp makes time-off planning and attendance tracking simple and pleasant.

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Single Sign-On
You can sign in to Calamari through your Basecamp account. You do not need to remember another password to another system. Convenient and secure.
Quick import
You can easily import your employees and information about them to from Basecamp to Calamari with only a few clicks. Great time-saving solution!
Want to get more?
Let us know if you have another idea how to integrate Calamari with Basecamp. We are open to your ideas, we are here to make your work easier.
How to integrate Calamari with Basecamp?
- If you don’t have a Calamari account please sign-up for a free trial.
- You have to Log-in to Calamari as an admin.
- Open Configuration and then choose Basecamp on the dashboard.
- Then to connect Basecamp and Calamari together, click Turn on integration.
- Authorize Calamari to access your Basecamp team’s account.
Get ready for efficiency
Stop being a bottleneck. Try Calamari free for 14 days and regain focus.
“In the 2+ years our company has used Calamari, we have heard nothing but positive feedback from employees and managers.”
– Parker R.VP, People, Mission & Culture at Brightspot