If you want to build a successful company in 2019, you have to come up with more agile, automated and value-based HR strategies - according to the trends discovered by HR researchers. Let’s go through the 3 main trends that will shape your work as an HR Manager in 2019!

In their new “2018 Global Human Capital Trends” report, Deloitte announced that the successful enterprise of 2019 will be the Social Enterprise. In short, this means that modern companies are judged not only on their financial status, but also on the relationships they maintain, and the influence they have on the environment, society and communities around them. What does it all have in common with trends in HR? A lot! It means that CEO’s and executives all over the world will invest in their employees just as much as in other aspects of the company. We took a look at the HR trends for 2019 and chose the most important points to consider when creating a successful HR strategy for the coming years.

1. Company culture and beliefs count more than ever

Today, taking care of your employees’ well-being is crucial. Since talented people have more options for their career, they are more likely to be picky about where they work. People tend to change jobs to ones that offer a better work environment. They don’t only care about the salary or range of responsibilities, but also, and even more importantly, about the culture of the organization and the way the company improves lives in general. Millennials - who have already grown to be a huge part of the workforce - judge the potential employers by their pro-environmental strategies, attitude towards diversity, healthy behaviour and the ethics and hygiene of the workplace experience. What they also demand from companies is clear rules, transparency in most of the processes (including open access to information about pay) and working conditions, as well as personalized plans for their career development and getting bonuses. Offering healthy snacks, free sports activities, flexible working hours and the possibility to work remotely have become must-have conditions for someone to even consider taking up a position in a certain company, and programs for spiritual and mental health are welcomed extras.

But what matters to one could be a waste of time for others. The key to answering the modern workers’ needs is to create a flexible offer for individuals. To get it done right, you have to know them all well, gather as much information about them as possible, and create an offer that suits INDIVIDUAL expectations. That is why HR researchers are anticipating an increase in the usage of People Analytics tools (which measure employee performance and predict their behaviour).


2. Technology changes the game, but not in the way you think

The pace of technology’s development is incredible, and it has dramatically changed the way HR managers work and manage their teams. On the one hand the Artificial Intelligence, automated HR systems(like clock in and out tool and algorithms simply save recruiters time, but on the other hand - they cause a huge shift in managing the talent and work inside the organization. A few years ago we were scared that robots would take our jobs, and now we see that they did indeed, but they took the most repeated, boring jobs. While automating routine tasks with AI, organizations will need to hire people with truly “human skills”, such as problem-solving skills, cognitive abilities and social skills. That demands either retraining current employees or hiring people with a different set of skills than before. In fact, it means both, if someone wants to build a successful team to benefit future organizations. And here we get to the third trend, described below!

3. Constant learning instead of looking for new job opportunities

21st-century companies have to be agile - also when it comes to managing their workforce. As said above, rapid technological development has caused a demand for new employee skills. These are skills they have no one to learn from, but rather have to learn through their personal experience. And this is the new opportunity for building your workers’ loyalty. What they learn in your company may be useless for another, making it harder to change employers. Organizations can benefit from this trend by staying agile and pushing forward to teaching their employees the skills they need. This is the end of the days when an employee gets trained and leaves the position to work for your competitor for a better salary. Instead of training a certain employee to be a better and better manager/marketer/office manager, companies shift toward encouraging their workers to take up a new position in the same company, to upskill, to challenge themselves and fulfil their ambitions by taking on the new roles within the organization. That guarantees the constant development of your workers and broadens their work experience - and that is what attracts crucial and talented workers.


Those are just three of the main trends in HR, but there is a lot more to come. Researchers also point out the increase in the use of intelligent recruiting technology, the demand for creative employer branding focused on the company’s values and culture, and growth in hiring remote freelancers. All those trends are huge challenges for HR managers. That is why you should focus on automation of your work first, especially the work related to leave management and attendance tracking. Calamari helps in automation and streamlining your HR processes in order to keep some spare time to keep up with the changing world.

Read more our texts about general HR


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